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Please click on the icon to view the CCP Presentation PowerPoint. It contains important information on applying, financial responsibility, and student responsibility. 

CCP Application Process
  1. Complete and return the "Intent to Participate Form" to the High School Success Center by the April 1st prior to the year you plan to take CCP courses.

  2. Research and understand the admission requirements for the college/university of interest, including all deadlines and transferability to the colleges you may attend after graduation. 

  3. Obtain and complete the college/university's College Credit Plus admission application.

  4. Bring any required forms to the high school counselor and request that a transcript be sent.

  5. If accepted by the college/university, understand all next steps (i.e. placement testing or oreintation).

  6. Schedule and attend the orientation/advising appointment at the college/university and register for courses.

  7. If taking CCP courses off the GHS campus or online - bring the schedule of college classes to the high school counselor. Courses need to be recorded and schedule adjustments may be needed

  8. If taking any CCP courses here at GHS, notify the counselor of your acceptance to Owens so that your high school schedule can by finalized.

CCP Offered at GHS
  • Composition I

  • Composition II

  • Intermediate Spanish I (Spanish III at GHS)

  • Intermediate Spanish II (Spanish IV at GHS)

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